About Me

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Just an average person that uses computers a lot. On my free time I play World of Warcraft (and other games) and I whine on MSN to my friends. Also listen to music and go to the cinema. Don't really know what I am doing here but I'm bloggin!

Monday 18 February 2008

Everyone else is blogging...

...but why should I?
Just randomly talking to a friend in MSN today I noticed next to his name the address of his blog. I had been considering starting a blog but since I was always bad at expressing myself in writing (I still am) I avoided it. Why would anyone want to read what I have to say? And why would people care?

I asked my friend why he made a blog and why would he want to write in it "To type english... display creativity. If I tell a company I speak English, or tell someone I can write about things
I can direct them to my blog. And it's fun to read about other people's opinion" so I thought "Ok he wants to have something to write in his CV" and when I whined that I can't write to save my life he said "All you have to do is read your thoughts". To my question "I am just thinking that everyone is blogging... should I try it too?" he responded "If you feel like you have something to share... Something other people might enjoy reading... Actually, even if nobody gets to read it, you can still do it... Just complain and shit. About how much your work sucks, what your worries are... People might respond. If they agree or better, disagree" But why do I want strangers to read my thoughts and his answer came "Because you want someone to care..." That made me smile.

So here I am, writing my first post thanks to him. Sometimes my friend is so smart. Sometimes he is not. Is this the right decision? Well like he said it's just a innocent thing and if I decided to leave it to this it can always be lost to the vast "sea" the internet is. No one will ever now it existed. And if it turns out well then I'll have one more thing to thank my friend for besides him cheering me up with links of cat videos and his occasional slap when I whine too much.


Marv said...

You're welcome!

ella said...

I'm very happy you created your own blog actually :) I'm one of those people who can say "I care" :)
I actually find it extremely interested to read the thoughts of others and especially of you since you're my friends. A blog is a way to learn a person better (through what he/she writes) at least in my opinion.
And of course it's one more way of communication. I believe that if people communicated more and if we knew what other people are thinking ..the world would be a better place! Overstatement?Maybe! But i still believe it :)

ella said...

I'm very happy you created your own blog actually :) I'm one of those people who can say "I care" :)
I actually find it extremely interested to read the thoughts of others and especially of you since you're my friends. A blog is a way to learn a person better (through what he/she writes) at least in my opinion.
And of course it's one more way of communication. I believe that if people communicated more and if we knew what other people are thinking ..the world would be a better place! Overstatement?Maybe! But i still believe it :)